What is this?
A peer-to-peer (P2P) and end-to-end encrypted (E2EE) chat application with file transfer capabilities that works directly in your browser without any extensions. Only signalling messages are routed through the server. No user data is hosted on the server (yes, even though the URLs of user content (/p2pfile/
) may appear to be hosted on this site, they are not).
Browser Support
Not tested in Safari. If you know how to run WebKit on Windows, please tell me 😀 Btw, Playwright's WebKit binaries lack required APIs 😢
High CPU Usage During File Transfer / Low Bandwidth
Yes, this is due to browser limitations. You can expect approximately 10 MiB/s.
Browser Bugs
- In Firefox, you cannot send messages while uploading a file. This is due to their SCTP implementation, which cannot send on multiple streams concurrently.
- In Firefox, downloads may hang when multiple downloads are queued simultaneously.
- In Firefox, you cannot autoscroll chat messages (middle click). Bugzilla.
- Images cannot be saved in Chrome. Use the dedicated download button instead.
How does “Your LAN” work?
The server connects clients with the same external IP address. Your /64 network is used for IPv6 connections.
Privacy Policy
No personally identifiable information is persisted. Furthermore, this website does not establish any connections to third parties (except to other peers you chat with).
0.7.2 2024-07-18
To Do
- Audio/video calls
- Manual signalling (+w/o internet)
Icons made by Google from Google Fonts which are licensed under the Apache License 2.0.